
Chevrolet 1984-Chevrolet-Corvette-TD1

Published on September 28th, 2015 | by BajaBusta


1984 Chevrolet Corvette Test Drive


Chevrolet depicted the 1984 Corvette as a vehicle “at the leading edge of automotive fashion, yet unmistakably Corvette.”  The ability to develop cars maintaining a link with the past while not lapsing into sentimental styling cliches and yet make a bold thrust into the future was a traditional strong suit of GM design.  Reflecting upon the final product of seven years of work, Jerry Palmer, chief designer ofr Chevy Studio Three, where the Corvette was design noted: “I really believe we’ve designed a car without compromises.  But we’ve been able to retain Corvette identity. The new car still, for example, has folding headlamps.  It has a corvette face, even though there are foglamps and park and turn lamps where air intakes used to be.  The front fender vents are still there, as is the large backlite and the functional rear spoiler.  The first time that people see this car, they’re going to know what it is.  They’re going to say, ‘Hey! That’s a new Corvette!”



Chevrolet Corvette1


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One Response to 1984 Chevrolet Corvette Test Drive

  1. Robert says:

    Among the more advanced of its time and a definite step forward compared to the previous generation. Even if crossfire injection was an underdeveloped system (G.M. could have done better easy) and the transmissions were iffy, a few years down the road its would become a world contender and open the door to our present c7.

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