1984 Oldsmobile of Canada Showroom Loop
Buying a Cutlass in Canada? In 1984? Servicing your Ciera, tuning up for the Toronado? For whatever reason that brings you to the Oldsmobile Dealership this model year, settle in and watch this fantastic showroom loop presented in all its LaserDisc loveliness, this time not viewed on a tiny tube television, but from the comfort of your own device. From coupes and sedans to wagons. From compact, mid size, to full size. Gas or Diesel, while you sit there waiting for your Delta to be diagnosed, fancy this flashback, and perhaps you may find your self ready to upgrade! Shout out to my good friend Dave with Automojo who was kind enough to facilitate snagging this amazing footage in Alberta and sending them my way!
Fantastic! That is when Oldsmobile was doing great things and selling a million cars a year. It was sad Ninety Eight was not in the video.
I laugh at the HORIFFIC fit and finish of Firenza at 13:50. Love Oldsmobile though… used to drive a 2001 Aurora!