
Cadillac 1986-cadillac-Deville1

Published on November 26th, 2012 | by BajaBusta


1986 Cadillac DeVille Manufacturer Promotional Video


Trying hard to woo upscale import buyers, Cadillac conjured up a new 1986DeVille Touring Sedan (and coupe). They featured a handling suspension and slightly less gingerbread.



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4 Responses to 1986 Cadillac DeVille Manufacturer Promotional Video

  1. 98 REGENCY says:

    The downsized era at GM. It was indeed a low point.

  2. Sergio says:

    not too bad. I prefer the downsized than those beremoths. Those were too big and not practical. No doubt were good cars anyway.

  3. Niclas says:

    “Value”, “prestige”, “smoth ride”, “Wider lower body moldings”. and so on…..
    I´m amazed people actually bought cars based on the facts provided in videos like this one!
    I don´t think I heard a word about actual engine power output (To low to mention…), fuel economy or safety features….
    On top of that it´s not even a very good looking car!

  4. Car Guy says:

    These were a nice, refreshing change to the larger, aging RWD models of the time.

    Fortunately both continued to still be available giving buyers a choice of “contemporary” or “old school” Cadillacs.

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