1990 Chevrolet Celebrity Wagon Dealer Training Manufacturer Promo Vid
Howdy ho neighbor! Listen closely and you can hear Tim ‘the tool man’ Allen as the voice over for a……….Celebrity Wagon!
We have it extremely easy these days. With the Internet, you can learn whatever you want to know in a matter of a couple key strokes and mouse swipes. Training to sell a car in the 80’s and 90’s appeared to be very time consuming, and a bit cheese ball! Either way they are still entertaining to peruse, and see the spin each respective manufacturer put on their vehicles!
Sigh…… I miss wagons……..
I bet Tim Allen does too!
I’ll take that red Euro in the beginning!
The 80s cheesiness of this video is incredible. I had no idea it got this bad. I thought the promo for the C4 Corvette was bad…