
Ford 1998-ford-econoline1

Published on June 18th, 2014 | by BajaBusta


1998 Ford Econoline Conversion Van Test Drive


Conversion vans came into style during the 1970s and 1980s. Early conversions were simply vans with seats put in them, often with murals painted along the sides. One of the pioneers in developing the industry from the beginning was Dan A. Welsh of Goshen, IN. His first venture was Rockwood Vans started in the summer of 1977 in Goshen, Indiana (the hub of the van conversion industry). He was also a major player in the following companies from the early 1980s through the late 1990s: Advantage Corporation (Goshen, IN and Tempe, AZ), Midwest Vans (Elkhart, IN), Kustom Kreations (Oneonta, AL).These companies helped grow the conversion van industry to record levels and in later years developed the truck conversion industry.




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5 Responses to 1998 Ford Econoline Conversion Van Test Drive

  1. John says:

    I was the floor manager at kustom kreations in oneonta alabama, under Dan welsh from 1990 to 2000. This would have been one of my units.

    • BajaBusta says:

      that is cool to think about! Thank you for sharing!

    • Richard McMasters says:

      Im currently putting one of your vans back on the road.
      1997 dodge ram 2500 kustom kreations
      Beast has gone through a tranny than got her old tranny rebuilt then put back in and is on her 3rd radiator right now. Which is where I’m taking over from my grandfather

    • Germano Nicolau de Souza says:


      I’d love to anyhow talk to you about a kustom kreation 1997 F 150 that was there in the end of 1997. I have some questions about the paint and few other things. Please, reach me at germanonicolaudesouza@gmail.com. thanks

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