
Suzuki 1996-suzuki-x90a

Published on February 8th, 2018 | by BajaBusta


1996 Suzuki X-90 Test Drive


Although Suzuki and General Motors worked together on the production of a certain percentage of its vehicles sold in North America, that didn’t prevent the former from trying to distinguish itself from the competition. As soon as the agreement with General Motors was ratified, Suzuki made a point of reserving the right to some degree of exclusivity.

With the X-90, Suzuki was looking for more than exclusivity, the manufacturer also had the whole market in mind. Not only was the X90 a unique vehicle because of its aesthetic presentation, its two passenger all-terrain roadster concept was also very different. Suzuki wanted to do something distinctive, and it did. The X-90’s lines were singular, to say the least, and at the moment, no other car displayed the same attributes. Just one look and you could see the difference.1996-suzuki-x90b Based on the Sidekicks mechanical components, designers came up with a one-of-a-kind body. The nose was rounded and longer than a Sport Utility’s. In the rear, a conventional truck replaced the Sidekicks bench seat, making the X-90 a two-seater. To provide enough headroom and make it easy to install the T-Top, the roof was relatively high. Given the cars fairly modest-size, the high roof made it look very different. Opinions differed as to this Suzuki’s aesthetic value, but everyone agreed that this small utility didn’t get unnoticed.

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