Browsing the "Test Drives" Category

1992 Audi S4 Test Drive

April 18th, 2015 | by BajaBusta

The S4 tried to erase any lingering doubts about Audi’s survival. This sports sedan was evidence that the German automaker

1986 Lotus Esprit Turbo Test Drive

April 13th, 2015 | by BajaBusta

Dating from the original Esprit of 1975, Ital Designs ‘cheiselled’ styling still looked crisp and modern in 1981.  Spoilers, NACA

1986 Honda Civic 4WD Test Drive

April 11th, 2015 | by BajaBusta

Americans began cultivating a rather intense interest in the world of double duty work/play machines in the 1980s. The market

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